It’s important to have a good parenting style because it can affect the child. Your parenting style might affect several things from the weight of your child to their feelings. Your parenting style must be supporting healthy and safe growth, and development because the way you collaborate with your child and how you focused them in a disciplinary way will influence and support them for the rest of their life. So, top researchers have categorized four types of parenting styles:

Each type takes a quite different approach and method to raising children and can be examined by several characteristics.


These type of parents are famous for saying, “As I said so,” whenever a child demand the reasons behind a task. They are not very much interested in negotiating and their major focus is on obedience. They also are the nature that they don’t allow their child to get involved in problem-solving techniques. Instead, they make their own rules and try to enforce the results, and consequences with small regard for a child’s interest or opinion.

Kids of authoritarian parents are at a higher risk of enforcing and developing self-esteem-related problems because their opinions are not better or valued. Sometimes, they may also become unfriendly or antagonistic. Rather than think about things for a better future, they focus on the anger they feel toward their parents. The worst thing is that because these types of parents are often strict, their children might grow to become liars to avoid punishment.


Authoritative parents invest their precious time and support into preventing behavior-related problems before they begin. They also utilize positive disciplinary strategies to promote good behavior like a reward system, appreciation, praise, etc. So, researchers have found that kids who have these types of parents are most likely to become responsible adults who feel relatively comfortable expressing their opinions. Children who are raised with authoritative disciple or community tend to be happy and successful.


These types of parents are more likely to befriend than a parent. They often encourage their kids to talk with them about their problems or situations but they usually put not much effort into discouraging bad habits or choices. So, kids who grow up with permissive parents are more likely to struggle in academics. They often face behavioral problems as they don’t appreciate rules and discipline. They are also at greater risk of health problems, you can say obesity because permissive parents struggle to limit fast food intake.


Uninvolved parents expect kids to raise their own. They don’t give much time to giving children’s primary necessities. This type of parent can be neglectful but it’s maybe unintentional. A parent with health issues or more likely to say they have abuse problems, may not be able to care a lot about the emotional needs of the child.

Kids with these types of parents are likely to struggle with self-esteem issues. They do perform not much god in schools. There also exist behavior problems in them and rank low in happiness.

From decades and years of studies, researchers have come to know that authoritative parenting is consistently linked to the best result in children. The authoritative parenting style is considered the most suitable parenting style by psychologists and psychiatrists.

Sometimes parents don’t fit into one category like they are not limited to one category, so don’t despair if there are times or areas where you tend to be optimistic or permissive and other times when you are more authoritative.

The studies are clear, however, the best parenting style is the authoritative parenting style. But if you have a curiosity or tend to identify with other parenting techniques, there are steps and points you can take to become a more responsible authoritative parent.

Through dedication and commitment, you can be the best parent meanwhile you can maintain a positive relationship with your child while still growing your authority smartly or healthily. Ultimately, as time passes by, your child will reap the benefits of your authoritative style.

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